Posted in STEAM Camp 22 Updates


Triumph STEAM & Sports / Youth Robotics Leadership Camp is excited to invite you to join our Closing Ceremony Carnival to acknowledge and celebrate the achievement of all our campers over the 8 weeks of camp.

We have taken them to 8 different Amusement Parks / Theme Parks / Famous Tourist Attractions over this Summer. They explored, experimented, and now, we hope for them to explain what they have learned by showcasing their projects to you!


Here are some details for you to know:
Date: Thursday August 25th, 2022

Time: 4:00PM – 7:00PM (Doors open at 3:30PM)
1. Ceremony @ 4:00PM – 5:30PM
(Presentations/Performances, Awards & Recognition)

2. Carnival @ 5:30PM – 7:00PM
(Booth Games led by our Staff and Youth Leaders & Light Refreshments)

Admission: Bring your admission ticket along with 1 Can of Non-Perishable Food PER PERSON which will go towards the NeighbourLink Food Drive to support the food bank which supplies those who struggle with food insecurity in the North York Community. (You are free to bring more if you wish to support the food drive at a greater capacity).

a. Due to health and safety reasons, our Closing Ceremony Carnival invitation is only extended to PARENTS OR TOTAL OF 2 INDIVIDUALS PER FAMILY. (Adults who have campers that joined STEAM & Sports / Youth Robotics Leadership Camp 2022)

b. We are able to accommodate approximately 170 guests (staff, campers, and parents altogether) on this night. Therefore, due to health and safety reasons, RSVP will be a first come first serve basis so please make sure you respond early to reserve your spot!

RSVP DEADLINE: Friday August 19th, 2022 @ 11:59PM
– Please accept our deepest apologies that unfortunately we will NOT be accepting anymore RSVP past this date as we need sufficient time to prepare.

I will email you a confirmation admission ticket on Sunday August 21st, 2022.




Scan using your mobile device to be redirected to our RSVP link!

Posted in STEAM Camp 22 Updates




TTC Route to Jump City


TTC Route to Archery Circuit


  • Please make sure that you sign the waiver TODAY or TOMORROW in order to secure the reservation spot for your child for the field trip with our Administration Staff – Leo at our front table
  • JK – Grade 2 will go Jump City
  • Grade 3 – Grade 10 will go to Archery Circuit
  • Both groups will be having an earlier lunch/snack before they head out to their respective trips at 10:15AM
  • We will get ready to leaving at 11:00AM and aim to arrive by 12:00PM
  • It will be about a 2 hours activity time for both groups so they will be leaving approximately around 2:30PM and aim to be back at church by 3:30PM


  • Hat or Cap
  • Water Bottle
  • Running Shoes
  • Sunscreen
  • Extra Snacks / Food
  • Extra Change of Clothes


Posted in STEAM Camp 22 Updates


THURSDAY JULY 21st, 2022



  1. Get ready to leave church at 9:55AM to travel to Chuck E Cheese (Approx. 35-45 minute commute with walk + TTC)
  2. Arrive at Chuck E Cheese before 11:00AM to settle down
  3. Lunch and 90 Minute All You Can Play
  4. Wrap up and get ready to leave at 1:30PM
  5. Back at church roughly at 2:30PM


  • Two slices of a 1-topping pizza and a drink with free refills per child.
  • Grab Bag with prizes.
  • Tickets won during game play will be taken home with each child to be redeemed during a future visit.  


  • Week 3 Theme Park: Super Nintendo World
  • Allowing our campers to explore the variety of arcade games as inspiration to develop and create their own forms of activities at camp
  • Time Management Skills – They have 90 minutes to make decisions of what activities to explore and enjoy
  • Math & Calculations – There are a number arcade games that allow our campers to earn tickets, they will be able to make personal decisions on what prizes to redeem based on how much tickets they’ve earned
  • Sensory & Motor Skills – A variety of activities that stimulate practical skills with hands, feet, and body
  • Strategy and Critical Thinking – Get challenged to think outside the box in order to accomplish the tasks and objective of the activities


  • Backpack
  • Water Bottle
  • Sunscreen
  • Sunglasses
  • Running Shoes
  • Extra face masks
  • Extra Change of Clothes (Optional)
  • Good nights rest!
Posted in STEAM Camp 22 Updates

STEAM & Sports / Youth Robotics Leadership Camp REOPENS!

MONDAY JULY 18th, 2022

We want to assure you that we have been following the Toronto Public Health Guidelines and have gone above and beyond its standards. We have done the following during the last few days:

  • Used Ultra Violet lamps to disinfect the gymnasium and our banquet halls (larger rooms that we use – lunch and activity rooms)
  • Used Ultra Violet Alcohol Spray Gun to disinfect and sanitize all hard surfaces such as chairs, tables, and furnitures in all the rooms we use for camp.
  • Lysol wipe all high touch areas such as door handles, door knobs, light switches, handrails, and windows
  • Swept and mopped hard-surfaced floors and vacuumed the carpet all rooms
  • Purchased HEPA Filters (Air Purifier/Filter Fans) and will have them in all regularly used rooms
  • Prepared Tri-Fold Presentation Boards for ALL our campers to use during snack and lunch to allow separation for campers during mask-off situations
  • Purchased and placed additional hand-sanitizer in all used rooms 

As mentioned also to the families who attended week 2, we will continue in week 3 to do the following:

  • Mask on at all times and continue to keep social distance during camp time, even when we are outside of the church or at the park
  • Our custodians to disinfect all used equipment (toys, games, sport equipment, stationary) and sanitize rooms after use, therefore, all rooms & areas used will be cleaned and sanitized at least 2-3 times a day.
  • Hand washing and hand sanitizing at the following times: arrival, after lesson/activity, before and after snack & lunch, washroom usage, and during pick up
  • Remind campers to let staff know if they are feeling unwell at any point for assessment. We will follow TPH guidelines by assessing the situation based on if (attached the assessment for your reference):

We encourage camper/staff to stay home to rest if they have one or more of the following major & most common symptoms of COVID-19:

  • Fever and/or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Decrease or loss of smell or taste

OR if camper/staff have two or more of the following symptoms of COVID-19: 

  • Extreme Fatigue
  • Muscle Aches or Joint Pain
  • Gastrointestinal Symptoms (Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea)
  • Sore Throat
  • Runny Nose / Nasal Congestion
  • Headache

YOUR INVOLVEMENT – We ask for your help to ensure that our Summer Camp will continue to be able to run safely by doing the following:

  • Notify us if any family members (parents, grandparents, relatives etc…) are confirmed positive and that you have been in close contact with (Refer to attachment for definition)
  • Do a rapid test on Monday morning and notify us by emailing ONLY if their results are positive (Refer to the protocols above for confirmed positive COVID-19). We will assume that your child is well and have tested negative if we don’t hear from you. 
  • As we recognize that your work has now resumed to be in person, if you are feeling unwell in any way, we would greatly appreciate you to also do a Rapid Antigen Test before sending your children to camp in the morning in order for us to maximize the health and safety of all the families at our camp. 
  • Keep your children home if they are feeling unwell with the common major symptoms: Fever and/or chills – Cough – Shortness of Breath – Decrease or loss of smell or taste
  • We have available testing kits if you need, please let me know and I’ll have it prepared for you during pick up or drop off.

NOTE: We acknowledge that all campers may have regular, seasonal allergies that can be similar to COVID symptoms and we know that you know them best! Hence we will work along with your discernment on whether to send your children to camp if they have any symptom-like conditions but are not COVID-related. However, campers are required to stay home IF they have family members/siblings who are confirmed positive and to be following TPH guidelines as listed above.

Posted in STEAM Camp 22 Updates


On behalf of Triumph Chinese Evangelical Missionary Church’s STEAM & Sports / Youth Robotics Leadership Camp 2022, we thank you for your continuous trust and support with what we’re doing with your child(ren) this Summer. It is with deep regrets and a heavy heart to inform you that we have come to a decision to suspend all camp activities for the remainder of this week (Week 2 – Thursday July 14 & Friday July 15).

We have noticed an increase of absences with campers and staff over the last few days, with a mixture of both seasonal sickness and COVID-19 related sickness. We believe it is wise for us to address this situation early on to minimize any further effects it has and will have towards our camp. We hope to give all staff, campers, and families the next few days to rest and recover in preparation for next week. This will allow us to conduct a full building sanitization and rigorous cleaning over the next few days as well.

Triumph STEAM & Sports / Youth Robotics Leadership Camp will resume for Week 3 on Monday July 18th, 2022, at regular hours.

Thank you once again for your understanding and support!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me through email at or by phone (416)733–7722 ext. 6

Kevin Eng

Assistant Director of Operations

STEAM & Sports / Youth Robotics Leadership Camp 2022

Posted in STEAM Camp 22 Updates

Hello Families!

Welcome to Triumph STEAM & Sports / Youth Robotics Leadership Camp 2022 Blog!

Visit our page often to find the latest updates, pictures, and videos of what is happening at camp! 

We would love for you to join us virtually everyday at anytime to be involved with your children’s learning and growth during this Summer! Post a comment, write an encouragement, cheer with us, or pray for us!  

Posted in STEAM Camp 22 Updates

Parental Involvement

Parental Involvement Over This Summer!As a RECE myself and currently working as a Director of School Culture at a private school, we see and believe in the importance of partnership between children, parents, and teachers to produce healthy and positive growth for child development. That is why on behalf of our entire camp, I would like to formally ask you to join us this Summer with the following:  

1. Punctuality

  • Our daily camp programme is from 9:00am to 4:00pm. 
  • Drop off time is between 8:30am to 9:00am / Pick up time is between 4:00pm to 4:30pm
  • We completely understand that there is no such thing as a perfect systematic schedule for families when there are children involved, however, we do believe that it is a good time to involve them in taking ownership of THEIR schedule. We encourage you to share with your children about what time they are expected to be waking up, eating breakfast, and leaving the house so that they are learning time management at a young age. You may need a digital clock for those who have younger aged children but setting and sharing realistic goals with them will definitely encourage them to be working with you rather than just telling them to do things they know they should be doing but not wanting to do. 
  • We will also be teaching and sharing with your children as well during camp the importance of ownership and responsibilities so that our practices are aligned and effective. 
  • We will be starting at 9:00am SHARP and we would love for your support in this regard. 

2a. Drop Off – Regular Communication & Nurturing Positive Relationship

  • With the city reopened couple months back and most people are now vaccinated, this year, our camp drop off procedure will be different from the previous year.
  • We have been cleared and would like to ask all parents and/or guardians who will be dropping off your children to…
  1. Park the car
  2. Come into our building for sign in and screening at the front foyer.
  3. Say hello, get to know and chat with our instructors before you go
  • We believe it is very important for you to know our camp instructors; at least their names and what they teach as they will be the ones who will be working and guiding your children over the Summer.
  • Relationship is a two-way street and it would good for our camp instructors to know at least your name and able to share with you about your children during camp at pick up. 
  • This will also help your children see that we have regular communication, setting accountability in and out of the camp. 

2b. Pick Up

  • Pick up will be at the South East Corner of our building (The grass area by the parking lot – Same as previous year).
  • Pick up will be between 4:00pm to 4:30pm – when you arrive, we will get them from the chapel, check their temperature, and sanitize their hands before they leave with you. Please get to know about your child’s day or have casual conversation while you wait for your child to come out.
  • Please note that due to the need to debrief about the camp day and sanitize for the next day, our late pick up charge will begin at exactly 4:35pm (5 minute grace period) starting at $1 per minute for the first 10 minutes (4:35pm to 4:45pm), then $2 per minute following (4:45pm).
  • Please email OR call (416)773-7722 ext 6 if you will be late
  • An Authorization form will need to be completed if you will need to arrange for others (excluding parents) to pick up your children at the end of the day. Without your consent through the authorization form, we will not be dismissing your child to go with unauthorized personnel, including but not limited to friends, neighbor, aunt/uncles, grandparents etc… 

2c. Camp Blog

  • We are currently working on a website hoping to provide live updates, photos, videos of the camp so even though you are not physically there, you are still with us. 
  • Our camp schedule along with other files will be uploaded onto the website as well
  • You will be able to make comments and give feedbacks, cheer us on, and pray for us!  
  • Please stay tuned, the link and QR Code will be provided before camp begins

3. Healthy and Safety – Camp Credit or Voucher

  • While we are still managing the effects of COVID-19, Triumph Church commits to prioritizing health and safety to be at the top! All staff will be participating with the COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Testing Program at least twice a week. 
  • Mask are REQUIRED at all times, unless eating. Social distance will continue to be maintained. Regular hand washing and sanitizing will be enforced, Regular facility, equipment and room sanitization will be done everyday with Lysol Spray and Wipes, or UV Ultralight Alcohol Spray Gun. 
  • If your child has or develops any of the following symptoms below, please keep them home for the day and take a COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test (RAT). We will require a negative RAT test result before they are permitted to participate in camp again.
  1. Fever
  2. Cough
  3. Difficulty Breathing
  4. Sore Throat, Trouble Swallowing
  5. Runny Nose
  6. Loss of Taste or Smell
  7. Not Feeling Well
  8. Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea
  • If your child is not feeling well and is required to stay home as a result of it, they are eligible for a voucher that enables them to join another week for the same amount of days missed. (e.g. missed 2 days during registered 3rd week, can join Week 4-8 for any two days – require at least 48 hour notice) OR an alternative option will be to receive a credit for next year’s camp with the amount equivalent to a day’s cost based on the amount you paid for the registered week. A credit will be valid until September 30, 2022, meaning you need to use the credit amount to register to our camp before then. All siblings should also stay home for safety precaution. 
  • HOWEVER, we will NOT be providing a voucher or a credit for any days missed voluntarily, not due to sickness / COVID-19 (e.g. going to wonderland with friends, or spontaneous family trips) 
  • Our protocol for an outbreak (more than 5 confirmed cases in a one week period), we will provide an immediate update to all families, close down the building facility for proper, deep and rigorous cleaning. Once it is safe to be back in the building, we will let everyone know. A voucher and/or credit is available IF such case were to happen. 

4. Electronic Devices – Laptops, iPad/Tablets, Cellphones

  • We understand that we are in a technology-based society with many activities and even lessons that require them, however, as we hope to promote healthy living this Summer, we will NOT allow our campers to be using their electronic devices during camp hours (9:00am to 4:00pm) for LEISURE USAGE (Videogames, Youtube etc…).
  • Alternative for our campers to do during “free time” would be board games, card games, small/large group activities, sports, conversations with one another
  • Please do allow them to bring their device though, since we do have technology based lessons such as Stop Motion, Robotic/Coding, Green Screen Animation (Photography) etc… which requires them to have their own device with them for health and safety reasons. Once the lesson is over, they will be asked to put them away in their backpack/bag. 
  • We will only permit them to use their devices BEFORE (8:30am to 9:00am) and AFTER (4:00pm to 4:30pm) camp for leisure use. 

5. Snacks & Lunch

  • All campers will be provided with TWO complimentary snacks every day. Please note that snack means a light refreshment, giving them some energy on top of their breakfast to help them learn and focus before/after lunch time. If your child generally eats more, it would be advised to pack them some snacks as well. NOTE: we are a NUT-FREE (Almond, peanuts, walnut, hazelnut, pecans, cashews etc…) camp meaning food packed for your child should not contain any food with packaging that says “May contain nuts” nor will we be purchasing or providing any food with them as well. Your cooperation and carefulness is much appreciated as we do have a number of staff and campers that are allergic to nuts. 
  • This year we will be serving food to our campers with reusable plates for lunch and reusable bowls for snacks, along with personal utensils. All campers will have their own, labelled set and will be used throughout the entirety of the camp. It will be washed and dried everyday. They will be given balanced portions and are available to get seconds if they would like. 
  • Lunch Program Menu is specially designed in accordance to the Canada’s Food Guide to ensure that our campers are provided with a balance diet with all the food groups throughout the day. I have attached the Lunch Program Menu for your reference. 
  • For those who are NOT in our Hot Lunch Program – Please pack simple lunches like Sandwiches or any lunch that does not require to be heated up.

6. Field Trips (Cost included)

  • Currently, we have scheduled to go on TWO Field Trips as supplementary learning for this Summer.
  1. Week 3 (Friday July 22nd) – Chuck E Cheese (Everyone) (Major Intersection: Victoria Park and Sheppard) 
  2. Week 7 (Friday August 19th) – Archery Circuit (Grade 1 to Grade 10) (Major Intersection: Victoria Park and Steeles)
  3. Week 7 (Friday August 19th) – Minido Adventure Play Cafe (Kindergarten – ECE) (Major Intersection: Hwy 7 & West Beaver Creek)
  • We will be taking public transit (TTC) for these Field Trips (We are projecting 30-45 minutes of commuting – one way)
  • A consent an informational letter will be provided during the beginning of the camp week

7. Daily Things to Pack in their Bags & Daily Attire

  • Water Bottle
  • Hat / Sunscreen on Tuesdays and Fridays 
  • Change of Clothes for Younger Campers 
  • Extra Snacks (Optional)
  • Electronic Device for Daily Lessons (Ensure they are labelled – best if it has a protective case on it)
  • Extra Face Masks
  • Running Shoes
  • EpiPen (For those that have allergies & medical condition)

8. Character Development & Positive Behavioral Guidance

  • Guided Options: It’s always important to help your children know that they opinions matter and are valued however, they also need guided options. For example, we be aware of asking children – would you like to eat your vegetables? because chances are, they will likely tell you no. If we phrase the question, would you like to eat broccoli or cauliflower? They get to be the ones to make a decision but we are the ones that are in control with steering them on the right path. 
  • Open Ended Questions: It’s important to let children start young in expressing their thoughts and feelings and the best way to allow them to freely do so is by asking Open-Ended Questions. For example, Instead of asking – was your day good? It steers the conversation towards our perceived interpretation thinking it should be a good day and minimizes the opportunity for children personally decide how their day really went and what they want to share. An alternative way to ask can be – how was your day?
  • Countdown Timer: No one likes surprises, neither do children finding out that they need to clean up suddenly when they are enjoying their play. By providing children with a countdown prepares them mentally that they will be cleaning up any minute but they still have some time. It’s recommended to give them 3 reminders – 10 minutes more before tidying up / 5 minutes before tidy up / 1 minute – let’s start tidying up now. 

These are some simple but yet important strategies that our instructors will be practicing over this Summer and possibly strategies you can consider as well. We aim to help our campers to focus on attentive listening, a sense of respect for others and self, developing positive attitude and perspectives during the time they are with us. 
9. Official Camp Receipt

  • During your registration, you should have already received a payment receipt. We will be providing you with an Official Camp Receipt a week after our camp officially ends through email for your reference and tax return purposes.

10. Closing Ceremony

  • Our Closing Ceremony is currently schedule on Week 8 – Thursday August 25th, 2022 from 4:00pm to 7:00pm. 
  • It will be planned and organized by the Youth Robotics Leadership Campers and Instructors
  • It will be a LIVE family event with also an awards ceremony.
  • More information will be provided later on but please reserve this date! 
  • All families with children who did not register for the 8th week is invited to join us for the ceremony time from 4:00pm to 7:00pm

11. Confirming and Finalizing Camp Weeks

  • We recognize that family plans can change at any moment and especially when there have been some families who have registered your children since last Summer, it’s best to confirm the weeks you hope for your children to be joining us one last time before camp begins.
  • Please use this link to confirm: